Put Your American Pride On Full Display With New July 4th Videos

July 4th marks America’s 243rd birthday and there’s a lot of opportunities to celebrate this special anniversary. Traditional events like neighborhood parades, picnics and fireworks displays are fun and now there is a new festive spin when enjoying Independence Day this year.

A New Way To Decorate

Traditions should never be forgotten, but Total HomeFX is now creating a buzz of excitement with the introduction of celebration holiday videos and projectors. These awe-inspiring videos bring out the kid-like glee in adults year-round! Colorful and entertaining video decorations during the winter holidays are becoming a must, but now decorators can take that same approach for July 4th as well.

Introducing A Patriotic Video Series

Get ready to feel amazing pride in America this year. Fireworks always ensure smiles and are fun to watch! Expect to enjoy that same experience with the following new patriotic video series: (images and links to all videos)

Bing, Bang and Boom

Land That I Love

Salute To America

Bold Stripes, Bright Stars and Brave Heart

July 4th Family Fun

Let Sparks Fly

Each individual video features a combination of vivid colors with dramatic sound effects that share a similar theme of red, white and blue honoring the land that we love.

Create new memories and traditions with the help of July 4th videos this season!


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