WindowFX Projector Covers All Occasions

Growing up, I had quite a few friends who were “Christmas babies” – they had birthdays so close to Christmas that they were either quickly glazed over or lumped into Christmas entirely. On their actual birthdays, there were fewer presents, less singing, and vastly lower amounts of sugar.

This year, don’t let the Christmas Baby in your life feel left out. With videos from Total Home FX, you can easily switch out display after display, leaving ample time to celebrate the birth of your kid as well as the birth of Christ.

Digital Projections for All Celebrations

Celebrations_TeaserAtmosFX provides videos for a wide variety of holidays and celebrations, including Christmas videos, winter cheer displays, and projections for birthdays. The projection system is easy to set up and makes switching up your decorations simple and time-conscious. If your family member or friend was born on December 22, the WindowFX projector makes it effortless to celebrate their birthday; with the touch of a button, project a thrilling video of fireworks or a “Happy Birthday” banner in your window or on your wall.

Instead of wasting time setting up and taking down decorations for a one-day celebration, simply switch out the video when you’re ready to get back to Christmas.

Celebrate the Holidays with WindowFX Projector

Total Home FX makes throwing a party easy, even if it’s the day before a major holiday. And to ensure your Christmas Baby gets his or her fill of birthday love, each video is of the highest quality and definition. Easily celebrate any holiday, be it national or personal, with the Total Home FX holiday decorating package.


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